Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Mosquitoes are overrated

Carrying on Dobson's tradition of bloggin on or soon after ones call night...I present you with my call night blog. I am on call tonigh for our "biggest OR day" of the trip. We did an 11y girl with a mod secundum ASD and a 7kg 2yo with a large VSD and larger cleft lip and palate. 2 cases and out of the OR at 9:50 pm. Crazy - the OR team is working like dogs. Again - seniority carries with it no priviledges. Nearing the 5th year of my fellowship I still don't get pick of calls - even in Uganda. It is a busy night by the standards here - 4 CICU patients and one stepdown.

While I am sure all can tell the CICU aspects of this work are pretty straight forward (except figuring what drugs we actually have, and whether or not they have expired yet), the echo part is grueling and amazing. I think we did upwards of 30-40 echoes today and saw everything from normal (which is actually an anomaly here) to a 26y unrepaired ebsteins to AP window to truncus to a large DORV canal with TGA and interrupted arch. Fortunately, my clinic has prepared me well. The weird thing is none of my patients have asked me if I am a model. One; however, did tell me "I am going to beat you" while I was doing her echo...this all with a smile on here face (jack ass Klugman thought she liked me).

I think the hardest thing about my call night tonight will be not having my 3 Niles before bed. Oh well, I can have 6 tomorrow.

Last of my random thoughts and loose associations....while the mosquitoes here carry the threat of malaria (which would obviousy suck) they certainly are not as nasty and aggressive as the asian tigers in my backyard back home. Also, no swine flu.

Pics to follow.


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