Tuesday, April 28, 2009

We Can Do Better Than That...

Welcome to the first (kind of) official CNMC/Uganda Blog Party. We signed on tonight expecting to be the first posters to the blog since our arrival in Uganda--imagine our horror to see only information about Dobson's questionable literary tastes. Read on for the true story about the start of our journey...

We practically fell out of the sky, I'm not sure if it was a new pilot, turbulence, or engine errors but our plane tried to simply drop 5000 feet in ten seconds. Caught amidst a wind tunnel we faced death and somehow managed to hover and maintain air. Yes, my fears came to a head.... After our 12 hour airplane ride we all feel grateful for making it to Uganda. All jokes aside our adventure has begun. We have flown many, many, miles, composed of an incredible team of RN, MD, RT, perfusionists, PA, and engineers to work together with one vision in mind.
Thank you for all of those who helped in donating and gathering the much needed supplies: PICU, LifeBridge, Sam.... Krista

Ok so the first 24 hours of this journey i have to say we have gotten so much closer. Accentuated by the fact that none of us had a shower for close to 36 hours give or take 12. Needless to say that after a while we fit right in with the general populations feelings on deodorant. As you might already suspect the people are really nice here, not full of attitude like you (reader). We decided to write and check in on you all to let you know that we understand if the Hospital is in real trouble over this past week since le creme de le creme is here in Uganda. You know you miss us, admit it... Rienzi

Okay so my arm has been twisted since I am the only non-CMNC member to post on the blog. As a member of the Florida team our journey has begun before the members had assembled at Dulles. Saturday began with luggage that managed to catapult down Dr. Sable's staircase in his beautiful 2 story home. I was sure that 50+ lbs. would go busting through the door and underwear would hang from the trees like a bad toilet paper wrapping party. Within the first 24 hours a noise maker & hair-dryer went up in smoke (literally). Needless to say the team is very nervous that I am contributing to the blog. Hopefully the rest of the trip will not involve any incidents but I am sure that another 2 cents will be offered by the wonderful CNMC members that have graciously allowed us to be a part of this team. ....Amy

P.S. I also blew up an electrical teapot that I placed on the stove.

Hello CNMC from our blogging party in Uganda. So as Aparna has decided to be too tired to blog I have been nominated for both of us. As you have read the trip has been eventful and an experience. We already started the morning with bird calls that sound like car alarms and cat call and by tonight we had a noise complaint from our neighbor tonight due to our american loudness. I will officially start patient care as of tomorrow night so lets hope all goes well and I don't come across the hospital rat tomorrow night or the screaming Ugandan women in labor.
I did have my first outing today with Amy to the market to make house here. We ended up looking like the locals with our cart full of supplies and like americans with a cart full of beer. To no ones worries I did venture out with SPF 90, DEET, my J-LO glasses and hat (u know I can't get dark, because who will marry me then! ;) )
Wish me luck. -Neha

This will be a brief entry because I can hardly keep my eyes open. I just want to say that in spite of the little glitches..major turbulence in air... lack of fans.. mosquito nets..shoe bite...it's been amazing and I am so glad to be working with people who keep me entertained =) Thanks to the CICU innovation committee we were able to bring much needed medical supplies to Uganda Heart Institute. Although I think we now have enough stethoscopes for every person in Uganda.
I will probably take a zillion photos and since I do not have a Facebook account, make sure your inbox has lots of room.
Aparna ;-)

We will close with just a few pictures, as our wireless connection is so slow that additional photos being added to the blog will hinder our ability to deliver patient care in the morning. Enjoy...

Krista expresses her feelings about the last leg of our flight. (You should have seen her BEFORE the tranquilizer dart.)

Our mascot, the hospital kitty. (Could be tomorrow's dinner.)

The OR in Uganda, a.k.a., "the theatre".

Sadly, Duane found himself behind bars early on in our journey.

Our CNMC team demonstrates how it's done--and so joyful in their work!

Our first patient--a PDA ligation-- peacefully recovers in our four bed CICU. (Photo of overnight RNs force feeding her water respectfully ommitted.)

Echoing, Ugandan style.
All work and no play is a no-no in Uganda.
This was for you, Low-ELL. All is good here, and we're happy and proud to have made the journey--and especially proud to have been a part of the first blog party.

"Do not go gentle into that good night; rage, rage against the dying of the light." -DylanThomas

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi All! I just wanted to leave a comment and let you know that yes, there is someone out here reading your posts!I am thoroughly enjoying them! Keep up the good work!
~Kristen C.
Your Favorite Social Worker :)